You must be prepared for the distinctive russian wedding customs, which are not very popular outside of Russia, if you want to getting married there. There are many intriguing rites that did amaze any guests and generate the ceremony a memorable experience. The wife must be free of all kinds of obstacles, including a ransom. He might have to find a logs to block the road, address a puzzle, or demonstrate his strength All of these tests are intended to demonstrate the groom’s love for his beloved and show that he is n’t afraid of the difficulties.
The couple meets their guests for a reception following the ceremony at the registry office, which typically includes a trip around town in a car decorated with ribbons and two stylized cross bands( two crosses represent marriage in Russian culture ). The couple kisses the brides for a long time to counter the champagne’s terrible taste, which is typically done by the visitors.
Any young ladies who catch it are certain to marry shortly because the wife usually throws her flower at the end of the reception. In order to keep their love and fortune in their hands, they can place a piece of the flower under their bed. The ceremony lasts two days, and friends and family members help a significant. Each of her feminine friends is required to place a small element of the pie under their comforters in accordance with custom.